What We Do
The Apartment Company was founded on the premise that cash flow is king. We have found that passive investing as well as managing multifamily properties is the way to generate it. The owners are personally invested in the company, so they, along with other investors, benefit together. So both groups enjoy the cash flow as well as the opportunity to support flourishing communities.
By the People for the People
We are currently doubling down on our education program by offering credentialed educators and rent discounts for good grades. We are currently hiring credentialed educators to help assist in taking our program to the next level. Why? It’s what the people are asking for, better access to education. That’s just one example of “by the people for the people.”
We also remove trees after an older mispositioned tree causes infrastructure root intrusion. While this may not sound good at first, we replace the tree with fruit-bearing trees to give the community members better access to organic farm-fresh produce. Why? Just another example of “for the people by the people.”
Investing With Us
Historically, The Apartment Company provides a lower-risk investment that has high-value appreciation over time. Whether you have $25K to invest or several million dollars — or anything in between — we invite you to determine if passive investing is right for you. Become a verified investor. Learn what you’re looking for in an investment. Make sure our values align with yours. Request an offering memorandum for our next deal.
Get all your questions answered about the possible investment — from us and your accountant/financial planners Underwrite the asset for yourself or ask us to review our underwriting with you to make sure you know what it means. Exchange a check for a fractional interest in one of our communities. Watch your money positively influence a community and reap financial benefits month after month without all the typical headaches of ownership.
We’ve seen our model work because the majority of our growth comes from current investors reinvesting their profits and returned capital. They’ve seen the potential for an infinite return on investment and consistent cash flow, and enjoy knowing they’re making a difference for tenants.